Everytime anyone says anything good about Prince Harry,The Duke of Sussex and Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex,may it be on social media or interview, the British royal family fans take it as a sign that, that person want to end the Monarchy. Indeed! this is true, you say anything good about Harry and Meghan, especially Meghan and royalist interpret that as you declaring war on Monarchy.

Typing #QueenMeghan or #PrincessMeghan on Twitter will summon a royalist. The royalist will come pulling out chunks of it’s hair and demanding to speak to the titles manager. They will make up Negative stories about Meghan and Harry out of thin air, convince themselves their made up stories are true because everything Negative about Harry and Meghan is true and anything positive about Meghan and Harry is false according to their world. They have convinced themselves that anybody who writes anything good or say anything good about Harry and Meghan is being paid by them. Then they go bonkers when reality does not conform to their lies. It’s alarming how British royal family fans believe the delusions they frequently swap among themselves. Given their masters are self proclaimed mental health advocate, shouldn’t this alarm the masters that their devotees are in dire need of mental health intervention?

As you know or may have heard as it’s widely known unless you live in mass, Billionaire Tyler Perry was one of many that we know was able to house a Prince of United Kingdom with his family. Not only that, he provided the security that his family could not. Shocking right? I kid you not, a Black man was able to do what a reigning Queen who is considered the most ‘Powerful’ and ‘influential’ woman alive could not do by providing security and housing to her grandson. The head of the church of England missed the leave and cleave of the Bible. Let leave out the granny, let look at the father. Prince Charles pulled out Security for his own son, a terrorist target, leaked his location to the media and gave Tyler Perry a chance to be the Hero of Sussexe’s story. Prince Harry’s family, in order to punish him for choosing a black woman over them and to pander to the British Media put him in precarious and dangerous situation thus becoming the Villains. The matter should be studied as a major in university in my opinion.
August 4 was Princess Meghan (if I may call her by her rightfully tittle and with hope that the royalist won’t call the tittle manager on me) birthday. To celebrate her birthday, friend, hero family and godfather in a way, Actor,Film_maker, studio owner, philanthropist and Billionaire Tyler Perry took to Social media to congratulate our Queen,The Enternal Monarch, Princess Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex on her 41’st birthday . The message was simple, no insidious dig at anyone as it is with other royal birthdays, just about princess Meghan only. But the society of offended on behalf of Royal family since 2018, could not let this message slide. Oh! He wished her happy birthday and had the audacity to call her Princess Meghan. Take a look at the message below!
The way they raged and are still raging about his tweet, I would be surprised if some might not have ended up in the ER with massive stroke caused by extreme high blood pressure. We Let’s them keep it up.I like when they spend months concocting a conspiracy theory and then reality hits, reminding them it was all in vain.
Unfortunately, they’ll just move to the next conspiracy- no lessons learnt.
But one may wonder what the anger is all about. Was it that as one of Harry and Meghan’s avid supporter put it, it’s because Tyler confirmed that she and her husband and the kids are happy? Their harassment and effort to make Harry and Meghan life miserable has gone to waste?
British Media use every opportunity to sling mud at Harry and Meghan, especially Meghan but Everytime she shows up, she dazzles. In what must feel like a ‘pressure cooker’ for her, Meghan shows up with more ease than some of royal family members who the media regularly uplifts. Poise, elegance and grace personified,is the definition of Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex.

May #QueenMeghan, The Enternal Monarch continue to reign over us !It’s not that hard to understand #princessmeghan is here to reign forever even if royalist Karen’s and Kevin pull out chunks of their hair demanding to speak to the titles manager.