Kate Middleton

The hypocrisy of a joint statement from 3 royal households on not presenting overblown and unfounded claims as facts, when they stood by and let the same narratives run against Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for so long is diabolical . The palace issuing this statement complaining about “unfounded claims from unnamed sources” is the Spider-Man meme in written form.

“Never complain never explain” is bullshits. The Queen didn’t need to explain or complain when Prince Harry chose to name his daughter Lilibet. The courtier spoke on her behalf through BBC .She could have directly contradicted the BBC’s report. Her pointedly refused to do so spoke volumes. Hence, the toxicity that raged on for days.Royals are just cowards people hiding behind leaks.They have no guts to put their name and face on their own story, thoughts and words like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle .

The hypocrisy of a joint statement from 3 royal households on not presenting overblown and unfounded claims as facts, when they stood by and let the same narratives run against Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for so long is diabolical . The palace issuing this statement complaining about “unfounded claims from unnamed sources” is the Spider-Man meme in written form.

There are no unfounded claims. But since recollections may vary, we can pit on record that the joint palaces allowed hate and racism to fester, and participated fully in maligning Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex who sought to build better communities. They need to iron things out privately, as a family

Where were the statements condemning then? They didn’t even know what was in the documentary, yet they collectively put up a defence. Not one statement in defense of Meghan Markle when defamatory articles with ‘unnamed sources’ were being printed about her everyday for years…They actually did the exact opposite for Meghan Markle, by leaking lies.

Unnamed Sources did not tell Jason Knauf to disclose Meghan’s emails to the Mail on Sunday. Unnamed Sources did not give permission to Knauf to be a witness against Meghan. It was Royal Family that allowed Knauf to break his non disclosure agreement. Nothing can change my mind that they were and still are not in it together.

The real question is, Is this supposed to be a joke? Proving that they can speak up when it suits them, to protect others as The Sussexes said on Oprah, that they can lie to protect themselves but can’t tell the truth to protect Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?

Buckingham palace, Clarence House & Kensington Palace have been cultivating hate, and promoting racists. While their recollections of events, as fresh as July and Williams betrayal may vary, ours do not. They are very much racist institutions, and history will judge Them and their complices harshly.

Where does the palace and the press go from here? The palace basically said everything the press has ever reported through unnamed sources is a lie and the royal reporters basically said it all came from the royals themselves (the palace). Royal ‘news’ is gonna be quite interesting going forward but It can also be the same because as Prince Harry said, “they are scared of the media”. The media has the upper hand in this so the Royals have to continue to dance or else when the press is done, all of Britain will be calling to abolish the monarchy.

But all in all if they are going to start complaining then they also need to start explaining. They can’t moan about ‘unfounded claims’ and also insist on extraordinary levels of official secrecy.

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